Tuesday, 30 September 2008

The night after the great storm.....

It rained and it rained and it rained....
It was ok though, because everyone was so worried about me this morning that they all brought me really delicious food for breakfast. I ate like a pig.
I met the neighbours this morning, they are great. Not sure about the cat though, he,s a bit on the wild side for me. I think the chicks and me are going to get on great, that Boris, what a fella, knows how to keep his woman under control thats for sure!
There are also two dogs here as well, but they dont seem to be too bothered by me, it must be my amazing good looks that is scaring them off. I dont mind, its good that they know whos in control, show them whos boss and that I rule the roost now! (In every sense of the word).

Ive been moved this morning to a lovely new tree, lots of lovely grass and bushes to nibble on. The rocks are great as well I can tussle my horns on them!

Monday September 29th

Today was moving day - shame I wasn't given more notice, I wasn't even packed! There I was, grazing away on my mountain side, enjoying the beautiful weather and basically minding my own business. Next thing I know along come some new people and before I have time to bleat, I am in the back of a van being unceremoniously transported along a rather bumpy road! Well, I had the last laugh I can tell you - the back of that van will never be the same again!!

Fantastic welcome at the new place - everyone seemed really excited to see me, it was real red carpet treatment. I have rocks to climb and lots of people are passing by, loads of new friends. Looks good so far - watch this space..............